Supper Club

Alica Retiova, "Civic engagement as a moral narrative of helping: The analysis of meaning-making in civic engagement"

6. prosince 2016

Dear Supper Clubbers,

As you might have guessed: today there will be no supper club. Runya will not be presenting next week and Alica could need some more time for here paper, so she will present next week instead of this week. On top, I am still jet-lagged from my trip to the States...

Next week, Tuesday, 7pm, we will be definitively meeting in room 3.70. Let me know till next Tuesday, if you plan to attend, so that I can plan the amount of pizza accordingly. We will discuss the paper of Alica Retiova, "Civic engagement as a moral narrative of helping: The analysis of meaning-making in civic engagement". I will send a revised version of the paper Monday morning at latest.

All the best,


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