Ivana Rapošová

Ivana Rapošová obtained her degree in Sociology at the Masaryk University in Brno, where she is currently pursuing also her Ph.D. The topic of her doctoral research concerns multicultural festivals in the cities of Bratislava, Brno, Vienna, and Ljubljana and their capacity to shift symbolic boundaries in society. Her long term interests lie at the intersection of cultural sociology, urban sociology, and civil society studies. She is specifically interested in capturing the dynamics of social inclusion and exclusion of people with a migration background and ethnic minorities. In the past, Ivana studied also at the Bhosphorus University in Istanbul (2011), University of Vienna (2016-2017),  University of Ljubljana (2017), and University of Toronto (2018) . In 2015 she took part in the fellowship “Sustaining Civic Participation of Minority Communities” in the United States, where she acquired training in community organizing. Since 2013 she works as a Junior Research Fellow at the Centre for Research of Ethnicity and Culture (CVEK) in Slovakia and since 2016 she is a Junior Research Fellow at the Centre for Cultural Sociology of Migration.

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