Gender and General match

General Group

4. 11. 2016

11AM PhD students oriented on theory, ethnography and interviews. We discuss research questions, research design, theories, methodologies and our papers. Discussions are in Czech or English based on who attends.

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Gender group

26. 10. 2016

11 AM PhD students writing about gender and sexuality related topic. We discuss research questions, research design, theories, methodologies and our papers. Discussions are in Czech or English based on who attends.

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Gender match

  • PhD students writing about gender and sexuality related topic.
  • We discuss research questions, research design, theories, methodologies and our papers.
  • Discussions are in Czech or English based on who attends.

 General match

  • PhD students oriented on theory, ethnography and interviews.
  • We discuss research questions, research design, theories, methodologies and our papers.
  • Discussions are in Czech or English based on who attends.

For mor information plese contact Kateřina Nedbálková.

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