Rules of the Supper Club

  1. The Supper Club is an informal meeting of advanced students and faculty members to facilitate intellectual exchange and ongoing research projects. The group is based in the sociology department, but interdisciplinary minded, dedicated but not limited to cultural sociology as a research program.
  2. The Supper Club meets during the semester in room 3.70, usually every two weeks. If necessary, additional meetings can be scheduled.
  3. Talk about the Supper Club and feel free to bring anyone along. Everybody interested in joining the email-list should contact the organizer.
  4. The Supper Club is not about cheap intellectual talk but about the strenuous work of academic writing. All discussions in the supper club will be based on papers distributed in advance.
  5. The language of the papers and the discussion will be English.
  6. Everybody is welcome to present as long as there are free slots available. Those interested should write an e-mail to the organizer, but regular participants of the Supper Club will be prioritized.
  7. Presentations without paper will not be accepted. Papers for discussion have to be sent at least a week before the session to the organizer. They will be checked for formal criteria (please provide page numbers!) as well as spelling and grammar. If necessary, papers have to be reworked. They will be sent to the participants of the supper club at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting.
  8. Every participant has to read the paper in advance. Otherwise meaningful discussion is not possible.
  9. There will be pizza and tea. As we say in German: “Leerer Bauch studiert nicht gern”.
  10. The presenter has a maximum of five minutes to introduce and contextualize the paper. This is necessary to ensure that the discussion will be about the paper, not about the presentation.
  11. What is discussed in the Supper Club stays in the Supper Club. The papers distributed for discussion should not be passed on or cited without the permission of the author(s).
  12. The Supper Club is not a Fight Club, but constructive criticism is welcome. Without criticism, we cannot make our arguments and papers better.
  13. Discussions will go on as long as they have to or most participants are intellectually exhausted. They can always be continued afterwards over a glass of beer or wine.
  14. If this is your first evening at the Supper Club, you are exempted from rule eight. Enjoy ;-)

                                                                                                                The organizer Werner Binder

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